Top 10 largest rivers of the world

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There are plenty of rivers in this world. Each country of every continent has many rivers. Some rivers travels through more than two or three countries and then they get immersed into sea. Our lives strongly depend on these rivers. Some rivers are the lifeline of its nearby areas. They are really so important for cropping, drinking water, to generate electricity and also for enjoyment of people.
We all know these things, but do you know which river covers the longest distance during its life cycle? If no, so be ready because here we are presenting you top 10 largest rivers of our world. 

1 – Nile

You will be amazed by knowing that Nile River passes through 11 countries to complete its way till the sea. The source of this river is said to be Lake Victoria, which is established in Tanzania. This river mainly passes from a large desert area in which it feeds many countries. Its total length is about 6,650 km and with such a large length Nile River is known as the world’s largest river.

2 – Amazon River

This river flows in South American Countries and it releases much larger water per second than any other river in this world. This river covers the length of 6,437 km until it gets immersed into The Atlantic Ocean. This river is at 2nd position in top 10 largest rivers of the world.

3 – Mississippi-Missouri-Red Rock

This river flows in United States of America and it is said to be river of largest drainage system. This river takes birth from Lake Itasca and then it covers the long distance of 3,734 km during its life cycle. After covering this distance Mississippi River get immersed into Gulf of Mexico. This rives has preciously established the 3rd position in top 10 largest rivers of the world.

4 – Chang Jiang (Yangtze)

This river flows in China and it is said to be the largest hydro-electric power generating river of the world. This river is also known for per second water discharge. It totally covers distance of 6,300 km and it gets immersed into East China Sea. This river is really so helpful for growth of China and it is playing an important role in continuous growth of China. Yangtze is at 4th position in top 10 largest rivers of the world.

5 – Ob River

Ob River flows in Russia in regions of Siberia. This river starts its life cycle from Belukha Mountains and it preciously fulfills the needs of Russian citizens. There are many projects are active on this river, which are quite helpful for growth of Russia. The Ob River covers distance of 3,650 km and then it gets immersed into Arabic Sea. The Ob river is the 5th largest river of the world.

6 – Huang Ho (Yellow)

This river also flows in China and it is known as the 3rd largest river of Asia. The first largest river of Asia is also flows in China. Huang Ho river covers distance of 5,464 km in its life cycle and then it enters into Bohai Sea. With such distance Yellow River comes at 6th position in top 10 largest rivers of the world.

7 – Yenisei River

This river flows in Mongolia and Russia. Yenisei is known as the largest river, which enters in Arctic Sea. This river covers 3 main Siberian regions during its life cycle. It is the 2nd main river of Russia, which starts its life in Mongolia. Total length of this river is around 5,539 km and a very large landscape is dependent on Yenisei. This is known as the 7th largest river of our world.

8 – Parana  

Parana is registered as the 2nd longest river of South America. Parana flows from Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina in its life cycle. The basic source of beginning of this river is said to be Paranaíba River. This River covers the distance of 4,880 km. this river comes at 8th position in top 10 largest rivers of the world.

9 – Irtish River

Irtish River is known as the main tributary of Ob River. This river flows in Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, and China. It begins its life from Altay Mountains in Mongolia and then it covers the distance of 2,758 km until it gets immersed into Ob River. This river is counted among the largest rivers of Asia. This is at 9th position in top 10 largest rivers of the world.

10 – Zaire (Congo)

This river is known as the deepest river of the world. Its measured depth is about 220 meters. Zaire flows in 10 countries and its main length is covered in Republic of Congo. Its total length measured is 4,700 km and it is at 10th position in top 10 largest rivers of the world.

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