Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

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We all love to pet dogs in our home. This is the animal, which is accommodating, astute and loyal to us. We allow our kids to play with our dogs and feed them. Dogs also behave instinctively with humans because they understand our way of talking. Dogs learn very rapidly that what we are telling them and they work according to us. If dogs are friendly to us, so they are also dangerous. In the United States many people are dying from attacks of dogs. It shows that how dangerous this animal is.
Today we are making you aware of Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds. By knowing these details you will take care in choosing your reliable pet.

10 – Dalmatian

The dogs of this breed contain weight from 15 to 30 kg. These dogs have good strength of hunting and running. Their memory is very sharp and Dalmatian is very caring behavior for humans. These dogs can attack you if you are strange to them. Because of their friendly behavior Dalmatian is less dangerous than others.

9 – Boxer

The dogs of this breed may have a weight up to 30 kg and they learn according to their will. You will have to pay so much time to train them for livings. They very lilt and friendly with behavior. If you are thinking to make it your pet, so you can bring it at home. Of- course it is not so dangerous, but due to aggressive behavior these dog breed is at 9th position in top 10 most dangerous dog breeds.

8 – Presa Canario

It is a very weighted dog and famous as a partner of the guard. These dogs have weight up to 50 Kg and it is very sensitive for abnormal behaviors. If you are avoiding them as a fat dog and thinking that they can’t harm you, so you are wrong. These dogs have enough attacking strength and it can harm you with powerful teeth.   

7 – Chow Chow

These dogs are very attractive and beautiful in looks. It contains weight up to 30kg along with that Chow Chow have good strength. They may attack on you in self defending mid. You have to take good care of them for making them a good pet. With good aggressive behavior this dog exists on 7th spot in top 10 most dangerous dog breeds.

6 – Doberman Pinschers

You have often seen these dogs with cops and Special Forces. The alertness of the Doberman is much better than all other species of dogs. They look very aggressive and dangerous in defense mode. Dobermans have very loyal behavior towards their owners and they react very fast against any action. This dog breed is at 6th position in top 10 most dangerous dog breeds because they are recognized as the best guarding dog breed.

5 – Alaskan Malamutes

This dog breed is really dangerous for city side. Experts say that Alaskan Malamutes need to have exercise in a whole day. If they won’t do it, so Malamutes becomes dangerous and negative. It is good to keep them in towns around forms because there are so many activities for them to do.

4 – Huskies

This is a Siberian dog breed, which may have an average weight of 25 kg. It is very lively and clever dog breed, but still not suggested to keep at home. Reason is their aggressive behavior for humans. Huskies lose their temper very quickly and their attacks on humans without any reason. Because of all these things Huskies are in 4th position in top 10 most dangerous dog breeds.

3 – German Shepherds

This is a very powerful and clever dog breed, which has proved his smartness by working as K-9 Police dog. These dogs have enough strength to harm you badly and there are many cases are coming out. In those cases German shepherds have attacked on people badly. This intelligent dog breed is at 3rd spot in the top 10 most dangerous dog breeds because of protective defensive nature.

2 – Rottweilers

If you are thinking to keep this pet in your home, so you will be in very protective hands. These dogs are very aggressive because of their strong regional learning. If you will enter in their area, so it may instantly attack on you. People keep it as a good home guard.

1 – Pit Bulls

This dog breed is known as the most dangerous dog breed of our world. They are very powerful, intrepid and aggressive dogs. In USA many fatalities are occurring because of attack of pit Bulls. You can easily watch these dogs in dog fighting, where they will spoil the face of next dog. Because of their very aggressive and attacking nature Pit bulls are the most dangerous dog breed of the world.    

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