Top 10 Survival Skills

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Just think that you are wedged into a forest, where is no cell phone, nothing to eat, your car has also given up and there is no one to help you. So how will you make everything right enough to survive there? You will probably try to take some actions in favour of your life.
Here we are going to show those top 10 skills, which will help you in your survival.

10 – Technique of sending a survival signal

If you want to get live, then you should make yourself visible to others. Try to send a fire signal from heighted place. If you have no way to send the fire signal, then try to burn fire, which will generate lot of smoke in atmosphere.  Researching planes or helicopters will understand that you are there. This skill is at # 10th position in top 10 survival skills.   

9 - Knots and how to tie them

You should know that how to utilize the knots and how to prepare them. The experts prefer you to use bowling knot because it is really so useful in survival time. It is mainly invented to use around objects, when you are wedged in survival condition. This skill is at # 9th position in top 10 survival skills.       

8 – Get the way to navigate in night

You can preciously use the North Star to find the way in night. If the night is moony then you can easily imagine a way among the semi-circular horns. This skill is at # 8th position in top 10 survival skills.

7 – Learn the way to navigate in day

If you are suffering in this condition from a long time, then for sure your GPS system is given up. Try to go towards sun and you can easily understand where the directions are. As you understand the direction, try to go towards the population in that area. This skill is at # 7th position in top 10 survival skills.

6 - Catching fish & critters

You have to take care of your body and for this you have to eat something. You can use a wood as weapon to kill fishes and critters. Take a wood and sharpen it with the help of a knife or a sharp stone. As you see anything eatable, then try to catch to fulfill the needs of your body. This skill is at # 6th position in top 10 survival skills.

5 – Get information about edible plants

If you are surviving in a place like forest, then you should know that you cannot eat everything there. Some plants are harmful there and it can leave poison in your body. If there is chance that you will fall in such conditions, then try to get information on such things before going on strange places. This skill is at # 5th position in top 10 survival skills.

4 – The way to have clean water

In forests there are several kinds of water you can find. To drink good water, use Running River or try to collect water in rain. For this you can use any pane if you have or use any clean clothe like your hanky. As the need of water is very important for any living creature in this world so this skill is at # 4th position in top 10 survival skills.

3 - Learn how to use a battery to start a fire

For this use a wire and link it on same terminals. It will generate a spark, by which you can burn dry leaves of tree and woods also. Remember fire is important element to be safe from wild animals and to prepare food also. This skill is at # 3rd position in top 10 survival skills.

2 – Prepare a shelter

As you are surviving for your life, so also need to take some rest. In the nights you can prepare a shelter with the help of leaves and branches of tree. It will keep you safe from rain and mosquitoes. If you have burnt fire then use its smoke to avoid mosquitoes. This important skill is at # 2nd position in top 10 survival skills.  

1 - Searching for a suitable camp site

It is a very basic and the most important need of every survivor. If you are lost on any strange place then first try to find out any useful campsite. Try to make it near water source and keep it far from wild animals. As you got it, create a shelter there and try to make it at a place, where other people can see you. this is most important survival skill that’s why it is at # 1st position in top 10 survival skills.   

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