Top 10 Ways to Stay Cool in the summer

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Everyone wants to enjoy in summer vacations, but no one like handling the warmth of this season. It becomes too crucial to handle the work and other things in summer, so we try to find out the ways of remaining cool.
Here we have mentioned those top 10 ways, by which you can easily avoid the heat of summer. To be happy and enjoy summer vacations, let see those top 10 ways. 

10 - Make ice cream

ice cream recipes

Whenever we think about summer, s our mind starts running towards the ice-cream. It is a very tasty way to be cool in heat of summer. It is very cold and tasty also, so everyone can enjoy it. Whenever you are going for outing in summers, purchase a family pack of ice-cream and enjoy it to be cool. At home side also you can plane to make ice-cream. It is quite easy and very helpful to avoid the heat of summer. The idea of making ice-cream is at # 10th position in top 10 ways to stay cool in summer.

9 - Head out for a picnic

picnic food

Children will really like this suggestion of being cool in the summer. Take some delicious food and pack it for outing. Gather you family or friends and go to your favorite place of outing. Try to choose the area, which have so much greenery because you will feel really cool there. Along with coolness you will get good memories also. This wonderful way of being cool in summer is at # 9th position in top 10 ways to stay cool in summer. 

8 - Go to the movies

Go to the movies

Everyone likes to watch movies in summer because you feel much relaxed and cool here. Check out that which movie is running good and then ask to your friends for movie. You will have a great fun with your friends and it will make you feel so cool in extreme hotness of summer too. This idea is at # 8th position in top 10 ways to stay cool in summer.

7 - Drink sports drinks


Every day you see many advertizes of soft drinks, choose your favorite one among them and enjoy summer cheerfully. It will preciously fulfill your body’s need of calories and help you in being cool. This is at # 7th position in top 10 ways to stay cool in summer.

6 - Sleep with a sheet


It becomes too hard to sleep in summer nights. People try many ways to get rid of humidity and heat, but it remains same. You can take help of white Egyptian cotton’s sheet. It has tendency to be wet for a long time. You only need to moisten it little bit and you can cover up yourself by it. You will go in your dream in just few minutes. This wonderful technique is at # 6th position in top 10 ways to stay cool in summer.

5 - Put ice packs on your head, wrists and feet.


Everyone loves to do this in summer. It is quite simple way to be cool and relaxed in summers. Just take some ice cubes in a pack and rub your body skin with it slowly. You will feel extremely well in the heat of summer. This cool way is at # 5th position in top 10 ways to stay cool in summer.

4 - Drink plenty of water


Water is the most important and basic element of this world. Similarly it is also so much helpful for us. If you take good amount of water in summer, then for sure you will feel better. It helps you in cooling the increased temperature of your body. This is at # 4th position in top 10 ways to stay cool in summer.

3 - Get Misty with Misting fans

misting fans

This way can be little bit costly on your budget because misting fans are little costly. If you are not worry about the task, then it is a very good way of being cool in summer. This fan passes air with sprinkle of water. As you get in touch with misting fan’s air, you feel really cool and better than before. So this wonderful of staying cool is at # 3rd position in top 10 ways to stay cool in summer.

2 – Be cool With Otter pops

otter pops

Every child loves to have it in summer because of its testy-frozen juice inside it. if you also try it, then probably you will feel much cool and peaceful in killing warmth of summer. This is a very unique way and children preciously apply it to be cool. This is at # 2nd position in top 10 ways to stay cool in summer.

1 - Visit Water Parks


What else can be better than it? water parks are really very pleasant place to visit in summers. Also you can have chance to be cool for a long time under plenty of water rides. It is very refreshing an enjoying way to stay cool in summer that’s why it is at # 1st  position in top 10 ways to stay cool in summer. 

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